
Hi Music Lovers! I have been composing piano pieces and songs for my students (both young and the young at heart) for the last few years. Here is the latest piece, written for my incredible student Misha. It’s called “Misha’s Dance” (original I know:)

Anyway, the sheet music is free to download, but if you would like to make a donation of $2 (venmo @sarah-bonsignore or paypal @singplaystudios) it will go towards the publishing of new books and providing scholarships for students in need.

If you like this piece, please find more in my “20 Beautiful Piano Solos” books 1 and 2, now on Amazon. I hope to provide a tutorial link for this piece on our SingPlayStudios youtube channel by fall of ’22, so subscribe and stay tuned!!

Keep Calm and SingPlay on 🦋🎶🙏